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This two-day session is designed to uncover your company’s growing pains and develop a three-year strategic plan that allows you to achieve team alignment, true accountability, and growth acceleration.


Based on the 7 fundamental practices in business (Strategy, Customer, Talent, Execution, Profit, and Systems), this workshop is a catalyst for positive changes toward desired outcomes with less energy and turnaround time. These 7 fundamental practices refer to the critical decisions that growth companies must get right to maximize their revenue, profit, and time.

The “Blitz” refers to the fast and critical thinking skills and decisions that will be made to position your business for growth and profitability. Through decades of leadership experience, I have found that a wealth of customer/market, product/service and competitor knowledge resides in the minds of the leaders working in your business. They’ve lived it every working day for years and sometimes decades. It’s our job to thoughtfully extract that knowledge and assemble it in a meaningful way in the context of your current and future business landscape.


Day One 

  • Core Purpose

  • Core Values

  • BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

  • 3HAG (3yr. Highly Achievable Goals)

  • Functional Accountability

  • Process Accountability

  • Core Competencies

  • SWOT & Vulnerabilities

  • Market Map

  • Core Customer

Day Two

  • Customer Analysis

  • Competitor / Market Attributes Analysis

  • Differentiating Actions

  • Activity Fit Map · Swim Lanes

  • Talent Assessment

  • Talent Needs

  • 1HAG (Annual Goals)

  • Quarterly Road Map

  • Critical Numbers

  • Meeting Rhythms 


* Workshop elements are tailored to suit company's circumstances.

At the end of this workshop you and your team will have:

  • A 3 year Road-map for growth and Strategic Priorities for Year 1

  • Clarity on the Purpose or Vision for the business, and Values for creating a positive culture.

  • An assessment of your Current Talent and Future Talent needed to succeed


Team Alignment

Get faster results with less effort when your entire team is on the same page, and inspired to follow your clear and sustainable growth plan.

True Accountability

See your company’s performance and reputation soar as you create a culture of reliable excellence and teamwork (where A-players choose to stay).

Growth Acceleration

Clarity around what differentiates your business from the competition will light your revenue on fire. This will be a breakthrough year for your business growth as your team “claims its space” in your industry and builds a barrier that competitors cannot compete with.


Begin by completing my Growth Assessment.

This assessment takes about 10 minutes to complete. It will evaluate how your business measures up in the areas of strategy, customer, talent, execution, leadership, profit and systems.

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